Saturday, March 16, 2013

Airports - incentive to blog

Frequency of blogs doesn't always reflect an abundance of interesting observations impatient to be told. In reality, often the motivation to blog is the need to pass an hour or so at an airport. Such is the case today.

We are moving from Madrid to Lisbon (Portugal). Only a short flight but still requiring the full regime of security and queuing. So, with time on my hands, I want to take up some of yours. So sit up and pay attention.

An attraction of Madrid that doesn't make the travel brochures is the charm of their 'central park' Parque De El Retiro. It doesn't offer unspoiled nature in the manner of New York's Central Park. It is much smaller and much more cultivated. We missed the blossom tree display by 2-3 weeks and the roses by a month. We did catch the wattle... an avenue of Cootamundra wattle... would you believe. The park also shows some big eucalyptus trees, so Australia is playing its part.

The surprise element was provided by their own Crystal Palace... not quite the size of the British version, but from the construction dates provided, it may well have preceded the Brits. And here is another important difference... Madrid's is still standing! I imagine the destination would be popular in winter.

The weird element is provided right at the northern end of the park. There, we came across what is claimed to be the only statue of the devil (fallen angel). A photo is shown below. The sculpture is sympathetic to the bad boy. Clearly, he doesn't have his sense of balance quite sorted. But he looks somewhat innocent (if you ask me). He doesn't look the type to premeditate an evil act. In fact, he looks a bit of a fun guy to have around. (Don't let the kiddies see the photo).

Well, the plane has arrived... passengers are disembarking. So you are spared further drivel for the time being.

Have a nice day.

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