Thursday, March 21, 2013

First Sign of GFC - Shops with Lights Turned Off

We have left Porto and are now exploring a delightful narrow valley that is the wine centre of Portugal. In fact, the Duoro Valley was the first wine centre of the world... and the Douro winemaking region was declared a World Heritage Site in 2001. The steep hillsides show evidence of century upon century of terrace building... reminiscent of Peru. Douro citizens started their efforts in the 1st and 2nd centuries when Romans ruled. The British monopolised the wine trade through their "Port Lodges" for the 19th and 20th centuries... port wine was the only product that the British would take to market. It was only when Portugal joined the EU that the local winegrowers were able to table a wide range of wines that had been consumed locally for millennia and suddenly the world said, "Why didn't you tell us you could make this great wine". "Well", said the Douro winegrowers, "we have been telling you for the last 500 years... but I guess you haven't been listening."

We are staying in a winery that can be seen as the white group of buildings on the left hand side of the river (see photo below). It still presses its own grapes... but is spreading its risks by developing a tourist business as well. I think they are doing Ok, but we are the only guests for tonight.

In contrast, the town looks to be in bad shape. We were trying to stock up on some groceries and walked the main street (only shopping street) in search of items. We were somewhat surprised to notice that the shops had half empty shelves... but more alarming, the shops were in darkness... maybe to save on the cost of electricity. Being a country town, it was easier to find a chainsaw than it was to buy a couple of bread rolls.

More photos may be seen by copying the URL shown below into your search engine:

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