Friday, March 22, 2013

When Jesus turned water into wine... my guess is that he had contacts from the Douro Valley

We have had another full day at the winery (Quinta de La Rosa). We arose to quite heavy rain... so decided to plan our day around a train trip to the end of the line at the top of the Douro Valley. This valley is well worth its World Heritage listing... the steep valley slopes creating an amphitheatre to celebrate the growing of grapes. The 1-hour train trip took us through a long rugged gorge. The gorge is topped and tailed with dams... so the water did not provide any excitement. Hydroelectricity is generated at the dams so power lines spoiled what would otherwise be perfect photo opportunities.

Upon reaching the end of the line, the rain had stopped and we were ready for a walk. We walked over the dam wall along a disused railway track but ran out of time before reaching our preferred viewing spot. The buttercups and dandelions were in full bloom. The sky was blue and the wind was bracing... perfect conditions for a countryside stroll. Our photos for today will not be entered for competition prizes... pretty ordinary really... but hopefully captures just a little of the fresh countryside through which we strolled.

Upon arriving back at Pochino, we called into the only Cafe in town... for a hot cup of chocolate. We were then entertained by the local men having their mid-day meal... a big plate of sausages with a couple of plates of vegetables and each had their 500ml of red wine to wash everything down. If this was their usual midday meal, they are living pretty well. One poor guy lingered back after his mates had left... he couldn't pay for his meal and was roused on by the lady proprietor. Joye felt sorry for him and wanted to help... he looked so dejected. I managed to shoo Joye out of the premises before she created "Joye's Lunchtime Charity for Hard-up Grape Pickers".

Now, we have a tour of Quinta de La Rosa to see the stockpile of wine and port barrels yet to hit the market.

More pictures - copy this link into your search engine.

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