Sunday, April 7, 2013

Do Not Try This At Home

This message is for the grandchildren.

Today, we visited a ruin... a pile of old stones... that were very interesting. I want to tell you about one of the paintings discovered when a man dug up the place about 100 years ago.

Click on the picture at the bottom of this message... so that you can see the details.

You will see a painting on the wall. It shows a big bull. Standing in front of the bull is one person hanging hold of the horns of the bull. Next, notice the person who is upside down with his hands on the bull's back. Also notice the guy standing behind the bull. These three people in the drawing represent the same person at different times. The bull charges at the person. The person grabs hold of the bull's horns. The bull tosses the person in the air. The person lands with his/her hands on the bull's back and then somersaults off the bull's back to land on his/her feet.

Girls played this dangerous game as well as the boys. Lots of people who played ended up injured... some even died!

The bull didn't like the game either. After the game, the poor old bull was killed and barbecued and eaten by the spectators.

Makes AFL look pretty tame!

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