Saturday, April 20, 2013

Don't Like Your Neighbours? Follow this Example

We're in a place called Kastraki... next to a group of rocks called 'Meteora'... in central mainland Greece. Monasteries were built at the top of volcanic fissures of hardened sedimentary rock (where pressure from tectonic plates was greatest). Weathering over the millennia, has removed the softer sedimentary rock... leaving the hardened fissures poking out making an unusual landscape. The first monasteries were only accessible by rope ladders and later by being pulled up in a net. Nervous visitors, when asked if they would like to be lifted in the net, often asked, "How often do you change the rope?" "Only after the good Lord lets it break" was the reply... an answer that wouldn't have settled the nerves.

After the Turks had their day, the monks could think of no good reason to rejoin the community in the valley. A number of the monasteries are still operating. Joye had to slip a wrap-around dress over her jeans to visit.

So, if you are having problems with your neighbours, do something about it... like the good monks of Kastraki. There remains a good number of fissure tops not yet built upon... but you had better hurry... they are eroding quickly.

We'll spend tomorrow having a good look around here. First appearances indicate it is spectacular. Not yet convinced to join the monastic order. The one we visited today looked pretty quiet... and I don't think they would get very good wi-fi reception.

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